Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

The results are in!!!! Both of my survey's were send out and I got a lot of interesting results. For my first survey for teenagers I got 19 responses! For my second survey for adults I only got 7 responses  I was expecting to get a little more feedback from the adults but since I posted it on Facebook and most of my friends are around my age and aren't married/divorce it makes sense. Like I predicted I figured that most people would have married parents/ be married, but a few people did have divorced parents and are divorced. Everyone who took the survey all said that the media has a negative role on divorce and that divorce is taken less serious than it was 40-50 years ago. This did not surprise me. However I find it interesting that over 40 years
divorce is not as serious as it was in the 1900s. I wonder what has changed this view and if the media has has an influence on it. The question I was most interested in for getting results back was-What are some of the most common reasons for divorce? I gave them 5 choices. Some people just checked all of them off, which was not that helpful. I guess I should have said chose one! But for both adults and teenagers the answer that pop up most was too much auguring and lack of commitment! I figured this would pop up the most, but i was surprised that both teenagers and adults picked this answer. When I sent out two different surveys, i was thinking that the adults answers would vary more because they would have more experience with this because they are married or divorced, unlike teenagers who are still in school. It was interesting to see that they answered similarly to each question! Overall I had a lot of fun researching about divorce and sending out my survey. It was interesting to hear and see other peoples opinions about divorce!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/ Update

I made my survey on a goggle doc and sent it out this week by email. I have gotten a good amount of responses. Most of my responses so far has been from high school and college students. Hopefully by next week I will have more responses from adults. I figured by sending my survey out by email more adults would responded then if i posted it on a social network.  I think that I am going to try and posting it on social networking site and see if I get more responses. 
So far my responses I have been getting back are very similar. So far everyone who has taken the survey said there parents are married or they currently are married. I think that if I wanted to get more of a variety of answers I would just post it on the online or hand out the survey to people on the streets. Since I know everyone who has taken my survey I know that most of their parents are married, so I am am getting similar perspectives. By the end of next week I hope to have a more variety of answers from the survey  Other similar responses I have gotten are: that divorce is taken less seriously today then it was 50 years ago, and that the media has has a negative influence on divorce today. I feel that feed back I am getting back is good and I am excited to get more responses as the week continues and see what people's opinion of divorce is!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Strategy/Plan for Research

I chose to conduct a survey for my research method. I am going to give my survey out through Google docs. I chose to use the internet because I am sending to some people who are not in the area, and it is easier to get a response through email then through mail. I am giving my survey out to 20 people- 10 adults and 10 kids/teens. Some of the 10 adults I am going to use are my parents, and aunt and uncle and some family friends. Some of the kids/teens I am going to give my survey to include my younger brothers, my sister and her friend at college, and some of my friends from school. Some of the questions that I will ask in my survey include...
1. Are your parents married or divorce?
2. Do you think your parents being married or divorced played a role in your school performance? Was it negative or positive?
3.  Do you think your parents being married or divorced had an overall effect on your lifestyle? Was it negative or positive?
4. Are most of your friends parents divorced or married?/ Are your friends married or divorce?  
5. Does the media play a roll in divorce? If so how? Does it influence it more positive or negatively? 
I predict that most of the people I survey will have parents that are married. I predict that their parents being together had more of a positive influence on them in school and other activities. I can't wait to give out my survey and see what people's responses are. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Research Method

For my method of research, for my topic Marriage and family: Divorce, I decided to give a survey out. I want to know what people think about divorce. Why people think couples get divorce? What do people think is the most common reason people get divorce for? How many families does the person know that have divorced parents? Why is it that 50% of marriages end in divorce? Does the media play a roll in divorce? I plan on surveying about 20 people- 10 kids/teenagers and 10 adults. I think it will be interesting to get different perceptives from different age groups and see how they will respond to the questions. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Which side do you take???

In the New York Times, in the debate column there is a section called "When Divorce is a Family Affair". Vicki Larson debates with Beverly Willett about divorce and the effects on the kids. I focused on the section Salvaging a Marriage Saves children vs Trapped Parents aren't happy parents. In Larson section about Salvaging a Marriage, she talks about how parents should stay together for their kids even if they are having troubles because the effects it can have on the kids if their parents get a divorce can be bad. She feels, if couples stop trying in their marriages, then they are not teaching their children about good relationships and  how will they be able to identify with their own potential instead of failures. In Willett's section about Trapped parents, she talks about parents staying together for their kids can be bad because the child can see through it and it doesn't show the kids a good relationship. She feels that parents do not do their child any favors by staying in a dysfunctional marriage. 
I found it interesting to read about the two different opinion's about divorce and whether parents should stay together. I though both sides brought up good points about each side. I understand, why Larson wanted the parents to try to stick it out for the kids because of the negative effects divorce can have on the children. But I agree more with Willett opinion. Though children can suffer a lot from a divorce, I think its worse having the parents stick it out and argue with each other because the kids can see right through that, and i feel they would feel more guilty for their parents unhappiness since the parents are only staying together for them. I think staying together and arguing does show a good relationship and might give the children the wrong idea how a relationship works. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Divorce Contagion

I read an article about how divorce is becoming contagious.  Studies are showing that the feelings and actions of one person's divorce is influencing others, causing them to get a divorce. This idea of divorce's influencing other comes from the idea based on the theory of social contagion. One couple's decision to split from each other can influence whether your friend divorces her/his spouse. Also a couple's divorce can spread from one couple to another it can also affect the relationship two degrees of separation. The article says that friends have the greatest influenced over divorce but it can also be influenced by siblings, co workers and parents decisions as well. Why do divorces create a ripple effect? The studies show that a divorce friends will confide to a married friend, who then becomes aware of the benefits of a divorce. The article explains that it can influence the happiest couple and the couples who are thinking about divorcing from each other. 

Today when people make decisions they usually consult with friends and family, or they can be influenced to do something based on what society is doing. I was very surprise that people were influenced to get a divorce because someone they know is getting a divorce  A big decision like this, takes a lot of time and consideration, especially with kids, and they get a divorce because their friends are. I would thing that a couple would learn for their friends mistakes and see what went wrong and how to prevent that in their relationship, not be influenced by their decision.  It was interesting to see that even divorce can become contagious in a group of friends and family. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Divorce Prices

I found this website online called Divorce Service. This  is a web site for a company in New Jersey that couples can get a divorce the cheapest way possible. The logo of the website is "Fast, Easy & Affordable". On the web site site it talks about how easy they make it to get a divorce by listing how easy it can be! Some things on the list include;  no hidden fees, spouse signitaure not required, final in just 4-8 weeks.  It also has the price it costs to get a divorce and how much a couple is saving if they go to an attorney. The goal of the company is to make divorce easy, cheap and fast, so it doesn't cause worry or stress to a couple.
Today, just looking in the new paper or in windows of town, one can find an advertisements for cheap divorces. It's almost like they are selling them as a product. Back in the day people would never see signs about getting a divorce because it meant failure and they would be looked down upon . Over the years the meaning of marriage has change. Today divorce is more common and is not looked down upon by society. Since the meanings have changed society and business have changed. They make it very easy and cheap to get a divorce. This can be good but the can be bad. Because its so easy, people getting married know how easy and cheap it is, so if it doesn't work out, it can be fix easily. Also it is so fact. Couples may rush into a divorce but then regret it because they didn't take the time to think and work it out. I think these reasons have contributed to the meaning of marriage changing. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kramer Vs. Kramer

The movie "Kramer vs. Kramer" tells the story of a married couple divorce and the effects it has on their young son. The father, Ted, is a workaholic, so when his wife, Joanna, leaves him with their son to take care of, Ted is having trouble balancing work and his young son.  Later in the movie Joanna comes back fighting for custody of the child. The court gives her custody because they feel that a child is best raised by a mother. Later in the day, when Joanna comes to pick up Billy, she has a change in heart and realized  how much Ted loves Billy and decides Billy can stay with Ted. 
I think that this movie shows stereotypes of divorce very well. It shows that people think that the child should be raised by the mother because the father doesn't always know best. When parents get divorce usually the child stays with the mom during the week. I think this movie shows that a father can raise a child. In the movie Joanna leaves for 15 months to "find herself" and then comes back because she wants her son. Ted had to struggle work and Billy. I think its good that Ted got his son in the end, because he was there for his son, when his mom wasn't. It shows that a father can raise a kid and mother doesn't always know whats best for their child. I think that its good that Joanna realized that what she wants isn't always best for her son. I think that this movie also shows that its never to late to be a good parent. In the beginning Ted and Billy didn't communicate well because Ted was always working and Billy was mad. This shows that its never to later even if parents are divorce for a parent to become a good parent. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Joint Custody, From a Distance

I read an article in The New York Times, called  " vs." that discusses how technology is playing  a bigger role with divorced parents, that now have joint custody. When people break up with their boyfriend they usually don't have to see them again, but with divorced couples who share kids that not true. Usually divorced parents will fight in front of their kids about custody, saving money, and how to raise their kids. Some people find the voice of their ex wife/husband irritating or annoying and don't want to hear the sound of their voice. By texting or emailing  this limits the fighting. One parent said that everything, schedules, drop-offs, pickups, are all done my email and it avoids arguing in front of the kids. By not hearing a voice on the phone or face to face it is easier and less stressful. Also by the use of face time it allows the child to talk and see the other parent when they might be staying at the others, house. This way they can still communicate and see each other more than one time a week. If your worried that by communicating by text, the co parent may not response to you, you can set up a family wizard, which tracts the dates, a times, emails and texts are made, to make sure one reposes in a timely manner. 

When I picked this topic i was very intersected in how a divorce can 
effect child. One way that it can effect child is the fighting they may see with their parents, over something that involves them. I feel like the e-mailing and texting helps limit the amount fighting that goes on, especially if things ended on a bad not, they don't have to see each other as often. I think that the face timing is really good because it allows kids to see their mom or dad through the week and show them things, instead of just talking on the phone. 
Today technology plays a huge role in our lives and how we communicate. I found it intersecting that now technology has a role with divorce. Now custody calenders are all done online, so parents don't have to argue. I think that his is good for the child, but i think its important for the parents to be able to communicate with each other face to face civilly. In the future, their are going to be weddings, and graduations where they are both going to have to talked to each other with out the cell phone or through e mail. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Married couples divorcing after decades of marriage

I read an article on CNN called “Why call it quits after decades of marriage?” This article explains some reasons that divorces are becoming more frequent with couples who have been married for a long period of time. One reason the article gives is that today  the life span is longer than what is was years ago. People think that they may have a possibility of finding a new relationship to enjoy there “golden years” with. The article says that most divorces are common after the “honeymoon” period and reality begins to set in, or after a child is born. But this article says some divorces happen because they no longer have their children holding them together and decide to call it quits. The final reason that married couples get divorced after being married for over 20 years is that distance and isolation becomes part of the marriage after being together for so long and the couple begins to grow apart.

When I picked this topic I wanted to learn more about why couples who have been married for decades are getting divorced. I know a couple who are getting divorced after 25 years of marriage I was shock! I felt like the have been through so much together that it made their relationship stronger instead of pulling them apart. This article really helped me understand some reasons that this might not be true. The article talks about how divorces are more acceptable today then it was make in the day. Also back in the day the life span was shorter than today. Therefor today there is more time of a married couple to grow a part and decide to split.I think that the longer life span is part of the reason why 50% of marriages end in divorce. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Introduction to Marriage and Family: Divorced

Hi! :) My topic is Marriage and Family: Divorced. I chose this topic because I am intersected in researching and learning about the possible effects on the children for Divorced parents. Today about 50% of marriages end in divorce- which can leave people wondering why they should get married in the first place. I am interested to find out more about this theory. Also I want to find out more about what kinds of effects it can have on children if their parents had a divorce.