Thursday, March 7, 2013

Divorce Contagion

I read an article about how divorce is becoming contagious.  Studies are showing that the feelings and actions of one person's divorce is influencing others, causing them to get a divorce. This idea of divorce's influencing other comes from the idea based on the theory of social contagion. One couple's decision to split from each other can influence whether your friend divorces her/his spouse. Also a couple's divorce can spread from one couple to another it can also affect the relationship two degrees of separation. The article says that friends have the greatest influenced over divorce but it can also be influenced by siblings, co workers and parents decisions as well. Why do divorces create a ripple effect? The studies show that a divorce friends will confide to a married friend, who then becomes aware of the benefits of a divorce. The article explains that it can influence the happiest couple and the couples who are thinking about divorcing from each other. 

Today when people make decisions they usually consult with friends and family, or they can be influenced to do something based on what society is doing. I was very surprise that people were influenced to get a divorce because someone they know is getting a divorce  A big decision like this, takes a lot of time and consideration, especially with kids, and they get a divorce because their friends are. I would thing that a couple would learn for their friends mistakes and see what went wrong and how to prevent that in their relationship, not be influenced by their decision.  It was interesting to see that even divorce can become contagious in a group of friends and family. 

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