Thursday, February 28, 2013

Divorce Prices

I found this website online called Divorce Service. This  is a web site for a company in New Jersey that couples can get a divorce the cheapest way possible. The logo of the website is "Fast, Easy & Affordable". On the web site site it talks about how easy they make it to get a divorce by listing how easy it can be! Some things on the list include;  no hidden fees, spouse signitaure not required, final in just 4-8 weeks.  It also has the price it costs to get a divorce and how much a couple is saving if they go to an attorney. The goal of the company is to make divorce easy, cheap and fast, so it doesn't cause worry or stress to a couple.
Today, just looking in the new paper or in windows of town, one can find an advertisements for cheap divorces. It's almost like they are selling them as a product. Back in the day people would never see signs about getting a divorce because it meant failure and they would be looked down upon . Over the years the meaning of marriage has change. Today divorce is more common and is not looked down upon by society. Since the meanings have changed society and business have changed. They make it very easy and cheap to get a divorce. This can be good but the can be bad. Because its so easy, people getting married know how easy and cheap it is, so if it doesn't work out, it can be fix easily. Also it is so fact. Couples may rush into a divorce but then regret it because they didn't take the time to think and work it out. I think these reasons have contributed to the meaning of marriage changing. 


  1. I thought the website you linked was very interesting. I looked at the testimonies of people who used the company and read how they would recommend it to a friend. I agree with you when you say the meaning of marriage is changing. This company makes divorces so easy and affordable that people can use them as a quick easy fix to their problems. No one wants to actually put work into a relationship to try and fixit, they just want to quit and give up. I think marriages are becoming more like dating, couples are together, something goes wrong, and they end it instantly.If this is what marriage is like now, I wonder how it could change anymore.

  2. I greatly enjoyed looking through your blog and found an informative one for divorce related topics.

    mediation services & divorce mediators
