Thursday, April 18, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/ Update

I made my survey on a goggle doc and sent it out this week by email. I have gotten a good amount of responses. Most of my responses so far has been from high school and college students. Hopefully by next week I will have more responses from adults. I figured by sending my survey out by email more adults would responded then if i posted it on a social network.  I think that I am going to try and posting it on social networking site and see if I get more responses. 
So far my responses I have been getting back are very similar. So far everyone who has taken the survey said there parents are married or they currently are married. I think that if I wanted to get more of a variety of answers I would just post it on the online or hand out the survey to people on the streets. Since I know everyone who has taken my survey I know that most of their parents are married, so I am am getting similar perspectives. By the end of next week I hope to have a more variety of answers from the survey  Other similar responses I have gotten are: that divorce is taken less seriously today then it was 50 years ago, and that the media has has a negative influence on divorce today. I feel that feed back I am getting back is good and I am excited to get more responses as the week continues and see what people's opinion of divorce is!

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