Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

The results are in!!!! Both of my survey's were send out and I got a lot of interesting results. For my first survey for teenagers I got 19 responses! For my second survey for adults I only got 7 responses  I was expecting to get a little more feedback from the adults but since I posted it on Facebook and most of my friends are around my age and aren't married/divorce it makes sense. Like I predicted I figured that most people would have married parents/ be married, but a few people did have divorced parents and are divorced. Everyone who took the survey all said that the media has a negative role on divorce and that divorce is taken less serious than it was 40-50 years ago. This did not surprise me. However I find it interesting that over 40 years
divorce is not as serious as it was in the 1900s. I wonder what has changed this view and if the media has has an influence on it. The question I was most interested in for getting results back was-What are some of the most common reasons for divorce? I gave them 5 choices. Some people just checked all of them off, which was not that helpful. I guess I should have said chose one! But for both adults and teenagers the answer that pop up most was too much auguring and lack of commitment! I figured this would pop up the most, but i was surprised that both teenagers and adults picked this answer. When I sent out two different surveys, i was thinking that the adults answers would vary more because they would have more experience with this because they are married or divorced, unlike teenagers who are still in school. It was interesting to see that they answered similarly to each question! Overall I had a lot of fun researching about divorce and sending out my survey. It was interesting to hear and see other peoples opinions about divorce!

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